Duration: 120 Min

A human mind is pliable and it can be trained to think in a desired way. Each time we do an act, it registers an impression in our mind. The more we repeat the action the deeper the groove gets. Mind can think in several ways such as laterally, convergently and divergently. With techniques and understanding the nature of mind itself, it can be rewired to think creatively and innovatively. A scientific understanding of how mind works can enable a person to increase its mind power immensely.

Unlearning Outcomes
  • Enhance Lateral, Divergent and Convergent thinking
  • Train to think in innovative ways to facilitate problem-solving
  • Rewiring the mind to reach its full potential
  • Enhance understanding of human thinking including lateral thinking
  • Enable creative thinking and learn how to apply it towards real-life situations
  • Achieve a solution-mindset rather than struggle in a problem mindset
  • Develop a scientific temperament towards problem solving

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Delhi NCR • Ahmedabad

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