How to Lose Mental Weight: Part 2

Posted on Dec 12, 2020 by Nidhi Agrawal (Co-founder, Director & Trainer)

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  1. First and foremost we need to recognize the emotions that you are besieged with. You cannot fight an enemy that you cannot see. So the first step is that you accept it, recognize it and be ready to deal with it.
  2. Be honest with yourself about what you’re feeling and why. Only when you free up emotional space, you can fill it with positivity, better choices, better habits, happier memories that will help to comfort and heal you.
  3. Make a conscious effort to find out what triggers the emotions that you have identified. Preferably take professional help or get a mentor. It saves time and gets better focus. Do not share your life arbitrarily with anyone who happens to give you attention.
  4. Relax!! In life, no outside influence is under your control. All you have under your command, is your response. Do not react to situations. Respond from a calm centre.
  5. Remember, whatever you are, wherever you are, whoever you are – God has placed you into it. Based on your past karma you have attracted your current life. Nothing is by chance or by anyone’s mistake. There were no missed opportunities, no betrayals, no mishappenings. This was to be. Just keep taking one step at a time. Invest smartly in your soul.
  6. What you have in your hand, is the rest of your life and all future lives. Work consciously for the future rather than crying over spilled milk. You are the maker of your own life. In cricket if a fielder has dropped a catch, he doesn’t keep fretting over it. He rather picks the ball and throws it to the wicketkeeper for a possible run out.
  7. Live simply. Allow yourself to be imperfect. Perfection belongs to God alone. Just accept yourself for who you are, let yourself be. Make a deliberate choice that you will no longer dwell on your negative emotions. Have a close family member or a friend to share things. Be in the company of those people who make you positive and confident and bring a genuine smile on your face.
  8. For all our emotional issues, the key to open the lock is from inside. First let your conscious mind be counselled. Let it analyse the methods given. Then learn to go within. Learn meditation. There are various techniques possible which can’t be elaborated for want of space. Get an expert to do visualization techniques.
  9. Learn to be a giver. Be generous with smiles. Be an open hearted person. Understand that each person on the planet is on his or her personalized unique soul journey. He or she is equally vulnerable as you are. Develop compassion, kindness, empathy, generosity and a sense of loving detachment towards everyone.
  10. Remember that nothing belongs to you. You came naked and crying in this world. Go back smiling. The material possessions you have, were given here. After you, they will be given to someone else. You are only a custodian. Use them wisely and generously. This sheds a lot of mental weight.
  11. All relations in a family, the undying love for your partner, the attachment to children, money or ambitions is just a drama of a few years. This shall pass. The life tests that have made your life miserable, are only a lesson. When you face them with a smile, they disappear. Learn to detach from things and people. Yet you can be in a loving coexistence with them because you have shed expectations.

Lahiri Mahsaya, the father of Kriya Yoga in the world said, "Always remember that you belong to no one, and no one belongs to you. Reflect that some day you will suddenly have to leave everything in this world - so make the acquaintanceship of God now."

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